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Time Travel Mobile

Course: Prototyping & Design - DEC 2018

(User Interface Design - University of Minnesota)

Time Travel Mobile is a time travelling application designed to easily allow users to traverse time and space at their leisure. It is targetted particularly at young adults who have smart phones that they can use with moderate proficiency.

This app was created for an assignment which stated we must create a paper prototype for a time travel app. The criteria for the assignment was as follows:

  • app must allow users to select a specific time and place to travel to

  • users must be able to schedule a return trip

  • the app should protect against at least one user slip and show an appropriate error message

For my app, I began by giving the option to travel either to the past, or to the future. I chose to do this so that users did not choose to travel into the future and then accidentally return to the past instead of the present. I also made the decision to have the user select the date and time of travel before the location. I noticed that none of my peers did this, since the standard is to set location before time for existing applications that allow users

to plan a route, such as booking a flight or planning a trip via buses. I chose to invert this to add more emphasis that this app is meant for time manipulation, rather than teleportation in the present time.

For time purposes, I limited the prototype by only making a specific travel schedule interaction. To see the prototype in action, you must select your date and time in top to bottom order, selecting the date as 2020, Jan 1st and the time as 2:05 PM. If selecting a return trip, the interactive path is Jan 2nd at 2:10 PM. The location is only interactive if selecting to travel to the current location. As well, users can only select to rate the app 5 stars upon their return to the present time.

In line with the assignment requirements, I provided a safeguard against not selecting a location before hitting confirm, resulting in an error message that prompts users to 'select a location', resulting in protection against that specific user slip.

Chopper surfs in space

Course: Integrated Media 703 - JAN 2018

(Children's Media - Centennial College)

Chopper Surfs in Space is a 3D endless runner aimed at children ages 6-8 for IOS and Ipad. There are five lanes that Chopper can surf on. By tapping left or right, Chopper switches lanes. Players can avoid obstacles such as meteors and space junk, and collect space coins that can be used to upgrade their character and charges. The goal is to level up by collecting charges and filling your booster bar. Leveling up will cause players to travel through hyperspace at lightyear speed, moving to a new space quadrant where the appearance is changed slightly and the difficulty of the game increases as Chopper surfs further away from Earth.

This app was created for an assignment, which required a full project charter and Game Design Document to be created for a new mobile game that would compete with the current app store by having some unique element. We were also required to create wireframes and a paper prototype. We were also graded on our ability to use the knowledge we had learned throughout the course on creating content for kids, specifically: reasoning for the target demographic, awareness of parental controls and child safety law, current and future trends, etc.

Click here to see the Project Charter and Game Design Document

Incoming Play Screen.png
playing screen.png

Aliferous Academy

Course: Licensing & Merchandising 709 - OCT 2018

(Children's Media - Centennial College)

Aliferous Academy is an original social simulation online mobile-game, set in an exciting and expansive school setting where players can select from a large list of interests and learn at their own pace with engaging dialogue and fun mini-games. The app combines role-playing games and choose-your-own-adventures with micro-gaming and tween-tailored content to create a one-of-a-ind experience. By meeting and befriending characters, players can join clubs, teams and societies in order to develop a greater understanding of their personal interests and engage in active learning through a combination of reading and mini-games. Lanes of interest for the player to explore include everything from cultural studies to astronomy to gardening and represent a range of information that may be interesting to tweens, through easy to understand and age-appropriate co

This app was created for the final project of my Licensing & Merchendising course. This focused largely on how to market and promote the content but also required many elements that were necessary for design as well such as, project descriptions, target audience justifications, personas, etc. We were also required to discuss positioning, promotional strategy, pipelines, unique selling points (USPs), market research and retail oppurtunities.

Click here to see the full plan for my Aliferous Academy Brand.


Clompy Chompy & A Fairly Wishy Race

Course: Integrated Media 703 - DEC 2018

(Children's Media - Centennial College)

Our two games are an extension of ​The Fairly Odd Parents ​brand. In Clompy Chompy the player races around 
town on top of Chompy trying to avoid obstacles. Fairly Wishy Race is  a multiplayer, multimedia game, where the players work together (or sabotage eachother) to race to the finish line and try to stay away from Crocker.

Clompy Chompy is a mobile game app available for smartphones and tablets. In the game, Timmy 
Turner wants to get back home as quickly as possible, but the anti-fairies have glued him on top of Chompy, the goat. The player plays the game as Timmy sitting on top of Chompy, who cannot be controlled. Luckily though, the player can control their surroundings. Primarily, the player must move obstacles out of the way to play. If an obstacle is particularly big, he will have to ask Cosmo and Wanda to blast it out of the way, using a stash of fairy dust that is collected as part of the rewards system. The player loses by running into three obstacles which have the ability to hurt him. The game is continuous, but Chompy levels up, making him faster and stronger.


In A Fairly Wishy Race, players work together in real time on their mobile devices to complete an obstacle course and escape from Mr. Crocker's grasps. Each player will have a random wish placed on their character which can range from helpful, to terrible to just plain silly. Additionally, players can attempt to sabotage their team in secret in order to win individually. This is possible because each player can only see their own character's progress on their screen and cannot see if others are in front of them, behind them or are sabotaging others.

This app was created for my Integrated Marketing course wherein my team had to create two new digital experiences for an existing analogue property and cater the experiences to the already existing audience. My team selected the animated show, "Fairly Odd Parents".

Click here to see the full plan for my Digital Media Project.

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